Sunday, May 03, 2009

Telephone poll about Mayor's race

A boston resident emails in:

I just got a call from the UNH Survey Center, which is conducting a random telephone survey about Boston. The questions were generally about Menino and city council (I'd say about half). In the questions about next mayoral election, you were included in the matchup against Menino. Naturally I picked you and expressed my dis-satisfaction with Menino and City Council. One of the questions was, "Who do you think makes better decisions about Boston, the mayor or city council? How the f*** do you answer THAT question? Why would UNH care? UMB, maybe, but UNH?

For some reason I am a little suspicious about this survey. Why would UNH be asking so many questions about Boston and it's politics? The last question was "Would I be willing to be interviewed by a reporter. I think there is some connection to the Globe.

Has anyone else been interviewed for this poll?

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