Monday, May 11, 2009

Letter of Thanks from the Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, Inc.

I received a nice letter from the group started by Elma Lewis, The Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, Inc.

It says in part, "When Ruggles Place, as the vision put forward by Elma Lewis Partners is known, was embattled, you spoke clearly for fairness, transparency, and responsiveness to the wishes of the community. I deeply appreciate your forthrightness and your sense of public responsibility." It is signed by Edmund Gaither.

The public needs to ask why City and State authorities have given the Columbus Center project a timeline of over a decade to do their building but the Mayor is only allowing the Elma Lewis Partners an 18 month extension. They both have run out of money. Why is that a group of white guys led by a republican from Belmont is given such a long time line but a group of minorities from the City of Boston is only given a short leash of a timeline to get their project done?

Separate but unequal is definitely unequal.

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