Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Mayoral Forum Friday on WBUR (Don't forget Emily Rooney tomorrow night at 7 pm)

Friday on WBUR on Radio Boston the four Mayoral candidates who appear to have made the ballot (Menino, Yoon, Flaherty, McCrea) have been invited to participate in a discussion about the BRA.

That's right the Mayor has been invited, we will see whether he shows up to actually take questions live from the audience. So tune in at 1 p.m., be ready to call and ask the candidates where they stand on development in the City and start to hold our public officials accountable.

As I have stated previously, I believe that the BRA should be abolished, a planning agency set up as in every other town and City in the Commonwealth that answers to the City Council thus leveling the balance of power in the City.

Tune in!

1 comment:

Christopher King said...

Oh, I can't wait for Friday and I'll see you tonight.

Hope you made the ballot.Huzzah! Now the dialogue gets interesting.

I told you so, when I told you about how he successfully sued the city for failing to follow open records laws. Unlike many politicians who talk about open government, he really means it, and all of Boston will see that in vivid detail. I am honored to work with him.

Dear Friends,

I owe a huge amount of thanks to you for your help in collecting over 5,000 signatures to help get us on the ballot. With over 2,000 of those verified at this point
it appears that we will be on the ballot for Mayor this year. Just as importantly the press is including us in the conversation about the future of Boston.

I will be on Emily Rooney's show on WGBH tonight talking about the candidacy, and WBUR has invited the four major candidates to their RADIO BOSTON show this Friday from 1 to 2 pm to talk about the BRA and development in the City. (feel free to call in with questions, especially to the Mayor and why he is giving our land and money away for free)......