Monday, September 19, 2005

Statistical Analysis while listening to Pink Floyd while the in-laws are away...

When I got out of college, having come from nothing, I told myself that as long as I had three things (Remember #3 on your ballot!) that I would always be happy. These three things were a place of my own, a motorcycle and a killer stereo. I'm happy to report that I've always remained true to myself, and everything else is just gravy.

So, yes, I do have a killer stereo and I love to play it loud, if it's too loud, you're too old!

So, while I'm here listening to Money off of Dark Side of the Moon and doing some statistical analysis of a BRA project done for the benefit of the rich, white and suburban, while I have the house to myself which is extremely rarely these days, I'll switch over to the music genre.

The three songs which I have etched in marble calligraphy in my house, and which are my driving forces in this campaign are:

Imagine: John Lennon
Get Up, Stand Up: Bob Marley
Justice Tonight: The Clash

In particular, when I am feeling down, and the forces of oppression are wearing me down, I crank up Justice Tonight. The single staccato drumstick 2/3 of the way through the song represents to me the powerful single voice shouting out against injustice. Alone but unfailing in its message about standing up and saying what needs to be said, no matter what is swirling around the edges.

I also want to get the new Green Day album, it is clearly the most political and rocking album around right now.

I've dreamed of getting elected and having a concert of unity on the hatch shell. Get Rage Against the Machine, 50 Cent, Peter Paul and Mary, Tim O'Riordan & Natural Gas, Gypsy Kings, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, DropKick Murphy's and get all of our citizen's together to celebrate!!!! That would be a party!

What does it say about our society and our city when we have the democratic national convention and the big party of the week was at Louis Boston, only the most exclusive clothing store in Boston. I thought we were democrats, you know, lunch pail, working class, inclusive, etc., etc, blah, blah, blah. Another example of how the rich control everything to the exclusion of the workers. A real democratic celebration should have happened on the hatch shell, or even better at Franklin Park.

Finally, when we drive the Big campaign vehicle around we play different music to bring some smiles to the faces of the people. The clear favorite album is the Blues Brothers, in particular Peter Gunn theme, and Rawhide. But, clearly the number one favorite song with the people of Boston is James Brown, "I Feel Good" people just spontaneously start to dance, groove, get down, and generally smile!

I'm just here to bring some happiness to the people. Glad to oblige!

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