Saturday, September 03, 2005

Boston 400 !!!!!

Are you all revved up and excited for the 375th anniversary of Boston? At least there is a balloon ride in the Park!!!

If I'm elected (and if not, I hope other counselors and/or the mayor will take the ball and run with it) I will try and start a movement to put together a coalition of business and civic leaders to get ready for Boston 400! We need to put a plan into place now, give our citizens a goal to work towards to make Boston the best city in the world in that time.

We need to have a master plan for where the city is going and how it will get there. Successful groups and corporations are always looking ahead. We need to set goals, and enact a plan to get it done. This plan should include:

Public Transportation
Boston's leadership role in the World Economy

Let us work toward a vision of an educated and involved populace of all races, connected by a world class transportation system, with housing, amenities, and communications to retain and attract intelligent, open minded people, with a nod to our history and a smile for the greater future ahead of us.

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