Thursday, January 08, 2009

Replies from City Councilors & the Mayor

I received my first official "NO COMMENT" from Councilor Linehan's office who didn't want to answer three questions for the South End News about a the year he spent on the special committee for the Boston Common.

I've made a couple requests from the South End News to the Mayor's office who say they will get back to me, Howie Carr says When the phone doesn't ring I know it is you hiding stuff!

We asked Councilor Flaherty where he was during the rules committee meeting and what he was working on, but no reply.

Councilor Ross neither posted his proposed changes to the Rules online as he promised he would when he became council president, nor did he even respond to a direct email asking for a copy of the proposed changes. How can you get citizen input if you don't include the citizens? So, it seems like it took less than a couple weeks before Ross reneged on his first promise of transparency for the City Council.

I also asked Councilor Yoon's office for a copy of the proposed rules, but they didn't send those along either. Not too transparent of him either.

IF they aren't transparent about how they are going to conduct their meetings, it doesn't give much hope about what they will do when they actually have to work on something.

WHAT IS SO SECRET ABOUT HOW YOU ARE GOING TO RUN YOUR MEETINGS? Robert's rules of order are availabel in most bookstores and


theszak said...

The Honorable Michael P. Ross
Boston City Council

Please send the proposed Boston City Council Rules changes.

theszak said...

0153 Order requesting certain information under Section 17F re: a list of all [Boston] city commissions and boards as of January 7, 2009, names, conditions of appointment and time period length, salaries and all meeting minutes from 2008.

17F Order
see page 5 at

or scroll to
and click on
Boston City Charter