Friday, February 27, 2009

Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative

Had an excellent time tonight at the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, sharing time with the Mayor. We shared a somewhat lighthearted exchange when he said to me "I haven't broken any Open Meeting Laws", and I said to him "But you financed their defense", and he whispered something about "I had to do it" as if anything at City Hall doesn't happen without his approval. I was pleased when the woman behind the Mayor, an executive at a local non-profit came to me and whispered in my ear "we really DO need a change". Mel King was there and as expected he will be supporting Mr. Yoon. Carlos Henriquez an executive with DSNI was an excellent and gracious host, and we had a good talk about the changes that need to come to City Hall. He is gearing up for another run at Boston City Council in District 7. I had not met him before, he is very smart, obviously well liked by the crowd, extremely impressive. (plus he reads my blog!)

I was happy to make many new contacts, renew some old ones, and get invited to speak at a number of other events. The long road continues.

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