Sunday, August 06, 2006

Another Reilly Poll with the same questions...

I just got another poll call from sunsurveys in lakeland, florida. this time Jesse was on the line.

He had a shorter version of the same poll I took just a few days ago. The EXACT same questions:

How did I feel about George Bush, Mitt Romney, Kerry Healey, Deval, O'Reilly and Gabrielli on a scale of 1 to 100.

How do I feel about Reilly's handling of the Big Dig.

And questions about Reilly, Patrick and Gabrielli and whether I've been more or less positive about them in the last month.

Also, whether I've seen Reilly's TV adds.

Nice to have money to spend on this stuff.

1 comment:

theszak said...

Any one of them could have and should have challenged the propriety of going into Executive Session during which a significant vote apparently was taken -- easily the most important vote any school committee takes and the one that should be done in the most public way possible