Monday, May 30, 2005

Letter to Police Patrolmen's Association

May 31, 2005

Boston Police Patrolmen's Association, Inc.
9-11 Shetland Street
Boston, MA 02119

RE: Endorsement Questionnaire

Dear Sirs:

Please find enclosed my answers to your questionnaire. I look forward to hopefully working with the police to make this city safer, better, and more professionally run.

I have been trying to set up a meeting with Jim Barry for almost 3 months now, but he has been quite busy. If he, or someone else, would have the time to meet with me I would much appreciate it. I look forward to learning the needs, wants, and ideas that the police have to improve the city.

Finally, I'd like to thank the Patrolmen's Association for supporting my proposal for the renovation of the Area D Police station which would have included two median income units designated for police officers. Vice President MacGillivray came to that public forum on our behalf, and although the BRA decided it was a better use of the building to install more high end condominiums, I appreciate your support. I look forward to working on making future projects affordable for the police that I think are a big asset to any neighborhood in Boston.


Kevin McCreaCandidate for City Council at Large

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